Explore LinkedIn Connections in R

Jyoti Kumar
6 min readMar 28, 2021


In this blog I have made an attempt to create a shiny dashboard using connections data downloaded from LinkedIn.

Requirements- Knowledge of shiny, shinydashboard and data cleaning and transformation using dplyr.

Final Dashboard

The data can be downloaded from LinkedIn using the following steps:

  1. Go to LinkedIn
  2. Click on Me and then Click Settings & Privacy
  3. Go to Data Privacy and Click on How LinkedIn uses your data
  4. Click on Get a copy of your data
  5. Select Connections
  6. Click on Request Archive
  7. Mention your password
  8. Request will be processed and a mail will be sent in 10–15 mins
  9. Click on the Link in the mail and download the zip file
  10. The zip file contains the file Connections.csv that is used in the dashboard

The code used to create the dashboard is mentioned below. I have made an attempt to add comments in the code so that it is self explanatory.

# Loading data
# Skipping two rows
data <- read_csv(“Connections.csv”, skip = 2)# Cleaning names using janitor package
# Modified connected_on for proper format
# Added connected_year column
data <- data %>% janitor::clean_names() %>%
mutate(connected_on = as.Date(connected_on, format = ‘%d %B %Y’)) %>%
mutate(connected_year = format(connected_on, format = ‘%Y’))
# Removed email from the data as it will be displayed at the end of the dashboarddataem <- data %>% select(-email_address)# Calculated first date and last date for default values in the date selectorfirstdate <- min(dataem$connected_on)lastdate <- max(dataem$connected_on)# Extracted first name of first connection to be displayed in a boxfirstname <- dataem %>% arrange(connected_on) %>% head(1) %>% select(first_name) %>% pull()# Color for plotsstriptext <- “#99000D”
plotbk <- “lightblue”
colr <- “darkorange2”header = dashboardHeader(title = “LinkedIn Connections”, titleWidth = 450)sidebar = dashboardSidebar(
# To disable sidebar
disable = TRUE,

menuItem(“Connections”, tabName = “LinePlot”)

body = dashboardBody(
### Adding the CSS style
.main-header .logo {
font-family: “Georgia”, Times, “Times New Roman”, serif;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 24px;

# Boxes need to be put in a row (or column)

tabItem(tabName = “LinePlot”,

# Output box with text

valueBoxOutput(“journey”, width =12)),

# Date selector


box(width = 6, background = “teal”,
br(), “ “,
dateInput(“start_date”, “Select Start Date”, value = firstdate,
min = “2001–01–01”, max=”2040–12–31")),

box(width = 6, background = “teal”,
br(), “ “,
dateInput(“end_date”, “Select End Date”, value = lastdate,
min = “2001–01–01”, max=”2040–12–31"))


# Output boxes for stats

valueBoxOutput(“totconnd”, width =3),
valueBoxOutput(“firstconnd”, width =3),
valueBoxOutput(“ncompd”, width =3),
valueBoxOutput(“nposd”, width =3)),

# Plot outputs


column(width = 6,

width = 12, status = “info”, solidHeader = TRUE, background = “aqua”,
#title = “Connections by date”,

column(width = 6,

width = 12, status = “info”, solidHeader = TRUE, background = “aqua”,
#title = “Connections by year”,


# Output for Top 20 companies
column(width = 6,

width = 12, status = “info”, solidHeader = TRUE, background = “aqua”,
#title = “Top Companies”,

# Output for Top 20 positions
column(width = 6,

width = 12, status = “info”, solidHeader = TRUE, background = “aqua”,
#title = “Top Position”,

# Raw table output


width = 12, solidHeader = TRUE,
title = “Filtered Table”,


# Link to my webiste

p(“To connect with me please visit my”,
href = “https://jyoti05iitd.pagexl.com/”), align = “right”),

ui <- dashboardPage(skin = “blue”,
header = header,
sidebar = sidebar,
body = body)
server <- function(input, output) {

# Creating a filtered reactive data frame based on date selector

data_selected <- reactive({
dataem %>%
filter(connected_on >= input$start_date, connected_on <= input$end_date)


# Creating a reactive filtered data frame for count of connections by date

data_conn <- reactive({
dataem %>%
filter(connected_on >= input$start_date, connected_on <= input$end_date) %>%
group_by(connected_on) %>%
summarise(n = n()) %>%


# Creating a reactive filtered data frame for count of connections by year

data_year <- reactive({
dataem %>%
filter(connected_on >= input$start_date, connected_on <= input$end_date) %>%
group_by(connected_year) %>%
summarise(n = n()) %>%


# Creating a reactive filtered data frame for count of connections by company

data_comp <- reactive({
dataem %>%
filter(connected_on >= input$start_date, connected_on <= input$end_date) %>%
group_by(company) %>%
summarise(n = n()) %>%
arrange(desc(n)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(company != ‘’) %>%
mutate(company = fct_reorder(company, desc(n)))


# Creating a reactive filtered data frame for count of connections by position

data_post <- reactive({
dataem %>%
filter(connected_on >= input$start_date, connected_on <= input$end_date) %>%
group_by(position) %>%
summarise(n = n()) %>%
arrange(desc(n)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(position != ‘’) %>%
mutate(position = fct_reorder(position, desc(n)))


# Text Output at the top

output$journey <- renderValueBox({

value = paste(“My LinkedIn Journey from “, firstdate, “ to “, lastdate),
subtitle = “ “
#icon = icon(“route”)

# Total connections
output$totconnd <- renderValueBox({

value = nrow(data_selected()),
subtitle = “Total Connections”,
icon = icon(“users”),
color = “teal”

# First connection
output$firstconnd <- renderValueBox({

value = paste(firstname),
subtitle = “First connection”,
icon = icon(“user-tie”),
color = “teal”

# Count of different number of companies
output$ncompd <- renderValueBox({

value = nrow(data_comp()),
subtitle = “Number of companies”,
icon = icon(“building”),
color = “teal”

# Count of different number of positions
output$nposd <- renderValueBox({

value = nrow(data_post()),
subtitle = “Number of Positions”,
icon = icon(“user-tie”),
color = “teal”

# Line Plot showing number of connections for a day
output$lineplot <- renderPlot({

dataconn2 <- data_conn()

ggplot(dataconn2) +
mapping = aes(x = dataconn2[,1,drop=TRUE], y = dataconn2[,2,drop=TRUE],
col = colr), show.legend = FALSE
) +
labs(title = “Number of connections by date”,
x = “Date of connection”,
y = “Count of connections”) +
theme(panel.background = element_blank(),
legend.key = element_blank(),
legend.background = element_blank(),
strip.background = element_blank(),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = plotbk, color = “black”, size = 3),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
axis.line = element_line(color = “red”),
axis.ticks = element_line(color = “red”),
strip.text = element_text(size = 16, color = striptext),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = striptext, hjust = 0, face = “italic”),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_text(color = “black”, angle = 90),
legend.position = “none”)


# Bar plot showing number of connections for a year

output$yearplot <- renderPlot({

datayear <- data_year()

ggplot(datayear, aes(x = datayear[,1,drop=TRUE], y = datayear[,2,drop=TRUE])) +
geom_col(fill= colr) +
labs(title = “Number of connections by Year”,
x = “Year”,
y = “Count of connections”) +

#coord_flip() +
theme(panel.background = element_blank(),
legend.key = element_blank(),
legend.background = element_blank(),
strip.background = element_blank(),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = plotbk, color = “black”, size = 3),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
axis.line = element_line(color = “red”),
axis.ticks = element_line(color = “red”),
strip.text = element_text(size = 16, color = striptext),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = striptext, hjust = 0, face = “italic”),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_text(color = “black”, angle = 90),
legend.position = “none”)


# Bar plot showing Top 20 companies
output$barcompdy <- renderPlot({

datacomp2 <- data_comp() %>% head(20)

ggplot(datacomp2, aes(x = datacomp2[,1,drop=TRUE], y = datacomp2[,2,drop=TRUE])) +
geom_col(fill= colr) +
labs(title = “Top 20 companies of my connections”,
x = “Companies”,
y = “Count of connections”) +

#coord_flip() +
theme(panel.background = element_blank(),
legend.key = element_blank(),
legend.background = element_blank(),
strip.background = element_blank(),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = plotbk, color = “black”, size = 3),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
axis.line = element_line(color = “red”),
axis.ticks = element_line(color = “red”),
strip.text = element_text(size = 16, color = striptext),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = striptext, hjust = 0, face = “italic”),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_text(color = “black”, angle = 90),
legend.position = “none”)


# Bar plot showing Top 20 positions
output$barpostdy <- renderPlot({

datapost2 <- data_post() %>% head(20)

ggplot(datapost2, aes(x = datapost2[,1,drop=TRUE], y = datapost2[,2,drop=TRUE])) +
geom_col(fill= colr) +
labs(title = “Top 20 Positions of my connections”,
x = “Positions”,
y = “Count of connections”) +
#coord_flip() +
theme(panel.background = element_blank(),
legend.key = element_blank(),
legend.background = element_blank(),
strip.background = element_blank(),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = plotbk, color = “black”, size = 3),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
axis.line = element_line(color = “red”),
axis.ticks = element_line(color = “red”),
strip.text = element_text(size = 16, color = striptext),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = striptext, hjust = 0, face = “italic”),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_text(color = “black”, angle = 90),
legend.position = “none”)


# Raw table output
output$linetable <- DT::renderDataTable({



shinyApp(ui, server)

The app is published on shinyapps.io at https://jyoti05iitd.shinyapps.io/ExploreLinkedInConn/

Please visit the app and add comments for improvements.



Jyoti Kumar
Jyoti Kumar

Written by Jyoti Kumar

I have experience in Predictive Modelling and Dashboards. YouTube : LearnToPlayWithData (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChAOvvDYCu7zHcQq4O3Ov3Q)

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